The following publications are produced by the Freehold to help its membership and inform the public.
Membership Handbook----includes member basics and a brief history. $3.00
Chieftains Handbook----Leadership handbook helpful for Freehold officers. $3.00
New Runestaff----Alliance quarterly newsletter. Stories, calendar, informative articles. Also recieve an Arts/Sciences
issue (so 5 issues in all). $8.00 per year.
Kellshearth Flame----The newsletter for Kellshearth, a household of the Barbarian Freehold Alliance. $6.00 a year.
Clan Dana's Newsletter and Calendar----The newsletter for Clan Dana, a household of the Barbarian Freehold Alliance.
As with any group that is participating for any length of time the Freehold has a very rich history. Some of that history is what
made the History of Caid, and this household was a very powerfull unit. There were those times the Freehold was not so
powerful also. There are several things that the Freehold may have started so read and be amused....
AS.VIII | September |
Erekose von Dragasus and Kerrisa of Silverwolf taking the title of Lord and Lady of the House, start House Dragasus with Bernard von Komkeff as Deputy. There are a total of 6 in the Household.
October |
The office of Arts and Sciences within the household begins. Several research projects are started. Brewing (to make some real wine or mead), costuming (beyond T-tunics), Armor (beyond carpet), and scriptorium. The ideal for the Household is to provide a proving ground for newmembers, a place where members and non-members may be taught, helped by the three founding members, and the right to choose a different persona such as a "Barbarian" if so desired. Friday night meeting workshops are started. The Household participated in the London Bridge War between Atenvelt and Caid(W). The name of the Caid Newsletter "The Crown Prints" was suggested by Kirstin of Hoschar.
Members 6 Associates 1 Caid 50
Freehold Offices |
Arts/Sciences--Bernard von Komkeff (Deputy) Exchequer---Tom Wilson |
January |
Hold attends 12th night. |
April |
Hold attend Coronet Tourney. |
AS.IX | May |
Although not becoming new members of the Household, a number of people make use of the Household facilities. James Hrisoulas joins the Household and starts helping those interested in metal working, especially armor. Two forms of membership are now is use. Members who have taken the Household oaths and Swore fealty to the Lord and Lady of the House. Associate member meant that they used the facilities, played with, taught with, and fought with but could at any time move on to other things. |
June |
The Household research into proper mead produced at this time some 160 bottles of mead. Winemaking was going to be one of the major products of the Household. Household starts talking about putting together a devise. |
July |
Hold attends 3rd St. Gunthers and Kirby Prize Tourney. |
September |
Hold participates in the formation of the first Brewers Guild of Caid. It lasted only 5 months due to being poorly organized. |
December |
Brotherhood of the blade teaches Hold armoring techniques. |
Members   10     Associates   2     Caid   100 |
Freehold Offices |
Arts/Sciences--Bernard von Komkeff Exchequer--Tom Wilson Princepality Chatalaine---Bernard von Komkeff (November....) |
January |
Household brewing produces 260 bottles to be used as bribery material by Caidan Forces at War. Hold attended 12th Night in Isles. (Have started using a three man fighting team under the instruction of Balin of Tor and Hugh the Undecided.) |
February | A change of Hierarchy in the Household is made to start the unit running along the lines of a Clan. Name is changed to Dragasus Freehold. | |
AS.X | May |
2nd Caid Rebellion. Two member of the Hold in Army. Caid outnumbered 52 to 36. West had 6 Dukes in their Army. |
June |
First use of the Jolly Sigfried as a possible banner of the Hold. There are meetings every Friday night for Fighting Practice, Saturday (unless there was an event) for Arts and Sciences plus armory starting at noon, Sunday night for business meetings or workshops. Hold dues are 25 cents per day of attendance. Maihie Mcfergy and Balin of Tor are Associate members. Maihie is Knighted. |
September |
Hold attends Coronet Tourney. |
October |
Dragasus Freehold sponsors the first equestrian event in Caid. This event was mostly trail riding. There were a couple of contests to interest or teach people. |
December |
Along with several other units a discussion with Martin I as to the making of a body of Law. |
Members 16 Associates 6 Caid 110
Freehold Offices |
Arts/Sciences Bernard von Komkeff Exchequer Tom Wilson Marshall Balin of Tor |
Principality Offices |
Chatalaine Bernard von Komkeff (Jan-June) Seneschal Fiona MacGregor (Friend) Earl Marshall Hugh the Undecided (Friend) |
Freehold Budget $175 for year.
January |
Dragasus Freehold becomes the Freehold. Atar Bahktar made a Deputy. Thorson and Kirsten become active member of the hold. Hold attends 12th night. |
February |
Freehold fields t-3 man fighting units for the Caid/Aten War. Bernard changes name to Timotheus. Balin of Tor teaches tactics to Freehold. |
March |
Canton of New Albion created with Erekose as Seneschal. Freehold sponsors the Second Equestrian Tourney in Caid. Kerrisa autocrats the event. Did well as many members averaged second or third places. Events included the Prince's Cup Race, Archery on Horseback, Retriever Race, Single Pole Decapitation, and Jousting at the Quintain. Maihie took second Place overall. |
April |
Freehold attends Coronet Tourney. Associate member Balin of Tor wins Coronet. |
AS.XI | May |
Freehold sends 2-3man teams to Third Caidan Rebellion. Maihie has been training the Freehold in fighting techniques. |
June |
Freehold attends Investiture. |
August |
Freehold meetings are now Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. |
September |
Accusations of Power Abuse and Favoritism are leveled against Erekose and the Freehold. |
November |
Balin steps down and becomes a Viscount. |
Members 40 Freehold fighters 15 Associates 35 Caid 300
Freehold Offices |
Arts/Sciences Timotheus Exchequer Tom Wilson Marshall Balin or Tor |
Principality Offices |
Chatalaine Timotheus Zacharia (June-December) Earl Marshall Hugh the Undecided (Friend) Sciences Guinevere de Bremble (Member) |
Freehold Budget $600 a year
January |
Freehold attended 12th night. Erekose wanted to confront the Principality about the accusations but Timotheus, Atar, Thorsen, and Maihie made him see reason. |
March |
Major meeting with Principality Seneschal to discuss the actual facts of the accusations. Although declared innocent it was decided that a lower profile was needed. Erekose resigns as Seneschal of New Albion and the Canton is dropped. |
April |
The people who made the accusations filed for Canton status and recieved the name Sarn Wold.Hold attends 1st Crown Tourney. |
AS.XII | May |
Erekose changes the structure of the Freehold by adding the Chieftain to the Hierarchy. Timotheus and Atar are the first Chieftains made. There are Tuesday night fighter Practices. The second Brewing Guild of Caid (The Freehold helped to start it) is teaching everyone how to brew. Thursday meetings are for the Armory. Friday, Saturday, Sunday meetings are Brewing, Scriptorium, Costuming, Sciences/Arts, and General meetings. At Cambria Fare a Fealty Tourney was fought. All Households, Shires, Baronies were allowed to enter. The Freehold entered. Having mutual aid treaties with Isles and Darach, their fighters added to the already powerful Freehold fighting force. (Making the Freehold Army 50 strong). The Freehold takes the field. The Baronies of Angels and Drieburgen swear "Fealty" to the Freehold. |
June |
Kingdom of Caid comes into existance. 1st Queens champion Tourney autocratted by Freehold and Sarn Wold. Thorson is made a Chieftain. |
August |
Freehold Business meeting and Party becomes Grand Council (Althing). Kerrisa is made a Chieftain. |
October |
Aten/Caid War at Glen Helen Regional Park. Freehold Fields 12 fighters for the War. |
Members 75 Associates 75 Caid 300 Fighters 30
Freehold Offices |
Exchequer Tom Wilson Marshall Thorson Dankse |
Kingdom Offices |
Earl Marshall Charles of Dublin (Friend) Sciences Guinevere de Bremble (Member) Chatelaine Timotheus Zacharia (Member) |
Additional Offices |
Angels Sciences Timotheus Principality Sciences (??) 25% of all Scribes in the Kingdom |
Monthly budget was $200.00
January |
Freehold attends 12th night. |
AS.XIII | May |
Freehold Chief Erekose moves to Los Osos. |
June |
Erekose starts a new unit in Los Osos. The second half of Angels Anniversary was a Melee War of Fealty. This was very well attended as several units wanted to clear their names. This time the Freehold led an army made up of fighters of the Freehold, Darachshire, Reislingshire, and Isles. (Making the Freehold army 65 strong.) The melee finished with the Freehold still standing. The Baronies of angels, Drieburgen, and Lyondemere swore fealty to the Freehold. |
August |
1st Freehold Althing. Was a success with over 80 in attendance. Rubber stamped all of Erekose's suggestions. |
November |
Freehold attends Coronation. |
Members 85 Associates 75 Caid 600
Freehold Offices |
Exchequer Tom Wilson Marshall Thorson Dankse |
Kingdom Officers |
Seneschal Armand de Seviny (Friend) Earl Marshall Charles of Dublin (Friend) |
Budget $150 year
January |
Freehold attends 12th night. |
April |
Freehold attends Crown Tourney. |
AS.XIV | May |
May War-Tarnmist-War with West. Erekose made Court Baron** |
July |
At Lyondemeres 6th anniversary the Freehold was challenged. The Freehold (30 fighters strong)then bought the Chivalry (18 at this event) for 200 bottles of beer and wine, and beat the rest of the Kingdom. |
August |
War between Caid, Aten, and West. Freehold fielded 20 fighters for the war. 2nd Freehold Althing with attendance at 85. Several new proposals looked at but in the end nothing was changed. |
September |
Freehold sponsors a Melee battle at Angels 10th Anniversary. The Freehold again beats the whole kingdom. |
October |
Erekose takes the title of High Chieftain, decrees that the Chieftains are now Chiefs. The Freehold is broken into 3 separate holds or clans each with its own Chieftain. All are still under the control of High Chieftain Erekose. |
Members 90 Associates 85 Caid 600 Fighters 30
Freehold Offices |
These are absorbed into each of the local Holds. |
Kingdom Officers |
Arts Neptha of Thebes (Friend) Scribe Eowyn Amberdrake (Member) |
** According to Freehold legend Erekose was called up to recieve his Court Baroncy from the Crown of the West, and not to be outdone the Crown of Caid also bestowed the title at the same time. Many people even outside the Freehold remember this occurance. But the interesting thing is that the West lists this as August 80 and Caid lists it as November 80. (?????)
January |
Freehold attends 12th night. Jetana the Harper won the Costume contest. |
March |
The five Freehold Clans are based in Ventura (House Morganwind), Los Osos (Bjornsdale), Van Nuys (Ravenhold), Sylmar (Sarnwold), Tujunga (Panthera). These units still act as one unit under Erekose. Workshops and meetings average two nights a week per hold. |
AS XV | August |
Freehold attends Japanese Tourney. 3rd Althing. Attendance was 225 with over 80 at the Banquet. Erekose steps down as absolute ruler. He is to continue ruling as the High Chieftain. The Althing decrees that the title of Thane was to be used be Erekose for his Baronial Title. The High Chieftain was to rule and Coordinate the local Chieftains and so the Freehold but leave the holds with some local autonomy. The Chiefs were to be Permanent titles and ranked above Cheiftains. Associate membership is to be dropped. The Barbarian Freehold Alliance comes into existance. |
December |
1st Winter Althing. Attended by 25 and sponsored by House Morganwind. |
Members 90 Associates 85 Caid 1000 Fighters 35
Kingdom Officers |
Chatalaine Luxandra of Altumbria (Member) Scribe Eowyn Amberdrake (Member) Chronicler Amadea de Strada Dragonesa (Member) Constable Atar Bahktar (Member) |
Notes and people of the First Era
The Freehold along with several other Groups changed the Bod's mind about
only people having devises.
Along with several units in Caid convinced Martin I that a unified listing of Kingdom
law would be best.
Showed the Kingdom and the Known World just how powerfull a well trained
army unit was. Basing most Freehold units on a pattern of three, this has become
the Standard of the SCA.
During 75-80 not only were there several Kingdom Offices held but in most cases
the Deputy position was held if the top position was not. Along with this the first
Handbooks for these offices were written by Freeholders.
Mouise the Insane
Was our first Bard. Had a sharp wit and would many times make
a point with a story. Was very active during the first 5 years. Still shows up once in a
while at events.
Balin of Tor
Didn't participate except in our fighting. Taught tactics. After the 81
Althing he quit the Freehold and would not have anything more to do with it. Went
on to become King and Captain General of the Army.
Maihie McFergie
Taught fighting technique. Was one of several who had the idea for
the Althing. Loved to Party. Helped make the Freehold War worthy.
Braden the Minstrel
1st Freehold bard turning out songs for the Hold. Helped teach the
Arts, worked in the Armory. Was a prime example of Freehold Bards. Fought on the field.
Kirstin Hoschar
Ran many of the Business meetings and held several of the Hold offices.
Started and helped run Ravenhold. Autocrat for the 81 Althing.
Thorson Dankse
Worked in the Armory and was the Marshall. Helped Erekose on the
Field. Made a Chieftain.
Atar Bahktar
Helped teach armory. Major Brewer. Deputy to Erekose. Bladesmithing given
a start. Started Sarn Wold. Major speaker at the 81 Althing. Made a Chieftain.
Timotheus Zacharia
Helped found the Freehold. Major Brewer. Deputy to Erekose. Was
very active in Mainstream SCA holding many offices. Made a Cheiftain.
Kerrissa of Silverwolf
Helped found the Freehold. Pushed the Arts/Sciences. Had one of
the largest Scroll workshops in the Principality for several years. Autocratted both Equestrian
events put on by the Freehold. Made a Cheiftain.
Erekose von Dragasus
Charimatic Leader. Good fighter. Brewer, leatherworker, woodworker,
armoror. Was able to bring out the best in most people. Was willing to teach no matter how long
it took. Started the Freehold to help new members in the SCA have a place to call home.
In the early Alliance several things became noticable. The Leadership was spread out over 1/2 the state where once it was concentrated within one or two cities. The structure while it did work it was a secondary thing to the various holds.
Area Bakersfield San Luis Obispo Ventura Oxnard San Fernando Valley San Diego |
Holds Darwell Bjornsdaleholm Ekhamn Morganwind Ravenhold House Panthera Sarnwald House Nightshade |
Alliance membership 200 fighters number 35 Each hold is running its own workshops. |
Jan 30 | Quest for the bear of Bjornsdaleholm | |
Feb 13-15 | Burro Creek War | |
Mar 20 | Solvang Demo and Freehold event | |
Apr 17 | Caid Crown Tourney--1/2 autocrat team | |
24 | Crown Prints Prize -- Host the Revel | |
May 15,16 | War in Tarnmist. 20 Freehold pavilions on site. | |
July 17,18 | 4th Althing. Host by Ravenhold. Attendance numbered 75. Several attitude proplems caused by the differences of the two organizations took a little over a year to get straightened out. | |
Sep 4-6 | War in Isles | |
Oct 30,31 | Octoberquest-fest in Bjornsdaleholm | |
Nov | 1st Ravenhold Harvestfest-attendance numbers 40 | |
Dec 18 | Yule Panthera |
During this year Alfred the Smith made a "Real Ziggy" using a Revell model Human Skull, cow horns, and sword Blade. Ziggy is almost confiscated by a Ranger, until it is proven that it is only a plastic model.
Area Bakersfield San Luis Obispo Ventura Oxnard San Fernando Valley San Diego |
Holds Darkwell Bjornsdaleholm Ekhamm Morganwind Ravenhold House Panthera House Nightshade |
Membership 150 Warriors 30 1-4 Demos a month along with workshops at the various holds. |
Jan 21-23 |
2nd Winter Althing (Bjornsdaleholm). Attendance numbered 40 |
Feb 19-20 | Caid/Atenveldt War | |
May 7-8 | West/Caid War in San Luis Obispo. Freehold army and allies beat both Kingdom armies on the field. Ravenhold Marketplace. Video of event recorded by Daron the Seeker. | |
June 18-19 |
5th Allthing in Darach--Alfred made a Chief. No real changes from past Allthings. Attendance numbered 50. |
July 8-10 | Three-way War in Santa Rosa. | |
July 23 | Viking Feast in Reno, Nev. | |
Oct 8-9 | Thornhold/Tarnmist War in Altavia | |
Nov |
2nd Ravenhold Harvestfest. Attendance numbered 65. |
During the mid-alliance years, some of the leadership starts to retire. The Allthing tries to bridge the gap in leadership, but some of the Freehold Philosophy starts to be added to or even changed. |
Area Bakersfield San Luis Obispo Ventura Oxnard Thousand Oaks San Fernando Valley San Diego |
Holds Darkwell Bjornsdaleholm Ekhamm Morganwind Tuatha de Argoat Ravenhold House Panthera House Nightshade |
Membership 150 Warriors 30 1-2 Demos a month along with workshops at the various holds. |
Feb 18-20 | Great Desert War | |
Apr 7 | Drieburgen/Isles War in Altavia | |
May 19-20 | West/Caid War in Tarnmist | |
July 15 |
6th Allthing. Erekose starts to retire. More workshops wanted. Continue as a group and to use the Allthings as the overall descision maker when Erekose not available. Attendance numbered 85. |
Aug 25-26 | Japanese Tourney in Altavia. | |
Sep 1-3 | War at Lake Isabella | |
Nov |
3rd Ravenhold Harvestfest. Attendance numbered 120. |
Dec 22 | Winter Solstice Revel, Tuatha de Argoat | |
Dec 28-30 |
3rd winter Allthing,Ekhamn. Saunby made a Court Baron this year. But the Allthing decreed that only if you also ruled the Freehold did you pick up the title of Thane. Attendance numbered 25. |
Erekose moves out of state and the Freehold is now under the leadership of the Allthing. Chief Alfred and Astrid move out of Caid to Sacromento. |
Area Bakersfield San Luis Obispo Ventura Oxnard Thousand Oaks San Fernando Valley Riverside San Diego |
Holds Darkwell Bjornsdaleholm Ekhamn Morganwind Tuatha de Argoat Ravenhold House Panthera Ravenhold-East House Nightshade |
Membership 125 Warriors 25 1-2 Demos a month along with workshops at the various holds. |
May 18-19 | War in Tarnmist and Runestaff Marketplace. | |
July |
7th Allthing.Attendance numbered 95. Mostly the work was in figuring how the Allthing was going to work in the place of Erekose. |
Aug 18 |
Ravenhold Tourney. Fine tourney in Caid. Small but much like the old tournies of Yore.. |
Aug 31-2 |
War at Lake Isabella.. |
Nov |
4th Ravenhold Harvestfest. Attendance numbered 65. Was held during heavy rainstorm at Elric the Chaotics back yard. Plastic Sheeting one porch and yard provided a shield against the rain. |
Chiefs Atar and Timotheus given Laurels. |
Area Sacramento Bakersfield San Luis Obispo Ventura Oxnard Thousand Oaks San Fernando Valley Riverside San Diego |
Holds Skipbruden Selvejendom Darkwell Bjornsdaleholm Ekhamn Morganwind Tuatha de Argoat Ravenhold Ravenhold-East House Nightshade |
Membership 115 Warriors 25 2-4 Demos a month along with each Holds meetings and Workshops |
July |
8th Allthing. The Council tries to keep things running by setting goals. Attendance numbers 45... |
Nov |
5th Ravenhold Harvestfest. Attendance numbered 60 ... |
Area Sacramento Bakersfield San Luis Obispo Ventura Oxnard Thousand Oaks San Fernando Valley Riverside San Diego King George, Virginia |
Holds Elvstadt Darkwell Bjornsdaleholm Ekhamn Morganwind Tuatha de Argoat Ravenhold Ravenhold-East House Nightshade Southern Wolfholm Ostarmark |
Membership numbers 120 with 25 Warriors. 1-2 Demos a month along with each Holds meetings and Workshops. |
June |
Irish fair at Burbank Equestrian Center. Proffessional show hired Ravenhold to do craft demo's and sales of Handmade items. Classes on crafts taught to public. Bragison was cast by fair organizers to play Conner MacNessa, King of Ireland. |
July |
9th Allthing. Attendance numbered 65. The council wanted to find one leader as goals were not working. |
Nov |
6th Ravenhold Harvestfest in Glendale. Attendance numbered 40. |
Dec |
3rd Winter Allthing in Elvstadt. Trying to have more Allthings in the hope that more direction will result. |
Area Sacramento Bakersfield San Luis Obispo Ventura San Fernando Valley Riverside San Diego King George, Virginia |
Holds Elvstadt Darkwell Bjornsdaleholm Ekhamn Ravenhold Ravenhold-East Southern Wolfholm Ostarmark |
Hold meetings and Workshops. Membership numbers 105 with 28 Warriors. |
Feb 12 |
Valentines Party in Barony of Golden Rivers. |
July 4 |
10 Year Althing. Hosted by Ravenhold and Elvstadt (Acually 11th year). "Do it again". During the extreme heat of the day (120 degrees) Freeholders gathered in pavilions to share friendship, and renew the bonds of the Freehold Family Spirit. Workshops, classes, and Viking Games events were held. Warriors fought and trained as a team in the cooler hours. After sundown on Saturday, the entire gathering held a huge B-B-Q and then a Bardic circle till dawn. Erekose came down from his home in Washington state and informed the Freeholders at the Allthing Council that he would no longer be the Leader of the Freehold..It was up to the members to "Do it again". The Alliance would not let him "abdicate" but reserved him as an elder. Attendance numbered 50. |
Nov |
7th Ravenhold Harvestfest. Attendance numbered 35. |
During the late alliance many changes and distortions of philosophy were taking place and the members start to leave. |
Area Sacramento Bakersfield San Luis Obispo Ventura San Fernando Valley Riverside San Diego King George, Virginia |
Holds Elvstadt Dun Caledonia Bjornsdaleholm Ekhamn Ravenhold Ravenhold-East Southern Wolfholm Ostarmark |
Hold meetings and Workshops. Membership numbers 94 with 24 Warriors. |
July |
11th Allthing with 45 in attendance. |
Nov |
8th Ravenhold Harvestfest with 35 in attendance.. |
Dec |
4th Winterallthing and attendance of 45. .. |
Area San Fernando Valley Riverside San Diego Phoenix, Ariz |
Holds Ravenhold Ravenhold-East Southern Wolfholm Freya's Hold |
Hold meetings and Workshops. Membership numbers 63 with 17 Warriors.. |
June 7-8 |
Irish Fair.. |
July 6-7 |
12th Allthing. Attendance numbered 40... |
Nov |
9th Ravenhold Harvestfest with 40 in attendance.... |
Area San Fernando Valley Riverside San Diego Phoenix |
Holds Ravenhold Ravenhold-East Southern Wolfholm Freya's Hold |
Hold meetings and Workshops. Membership numbers 48 with 16 Warriors... |
May 7 |
Make a Wish. Freehold attended with 25 members.... |
May 20-22 |
Potrero. Bragison made a Chieftain for his hard work in putting together a new hold and for trying to keep several of the others working. His hard work towards the original ideals also was showing. .... |
June |
Irish Fair |
August |
13th Allthing in Santa Barbara with attendance of 20 |
Sept |
Bragison and Deille made High Chieftains by Erekose. |
Nov |
10th Ravenhold Harvestfest with attendance of 35.. |
At the end of this year the Freehold nearly dies with the moving of 50% of its membership. .. |
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House Morganwind-- Started in 80. Became the focal point in Ventura. Set up many different workshops. 81-Was the focal unit that helped get Ekkem together as a unit. Was the sponsoring Household for the 1st Winter Thing. 83-Continued sponsoring workshops and supporting Ekkem. With an average membership of 7 this hold helped support a number of events. 84-Merges with Ekkem. Bjornsdale Holm-- Started in 80. Was the House hold unit that Erekose worked with in Los Osos. Backed up events sponsored by Ekkem or Morganwind. Started issueing Runestaff the Alliance newsletter. 82-Workshops started. With membership of 14 was one of the largest holds but was spending most of its energy putting out the newsletter. It also had between 3-6 workshops a month taking place. 86-a number of people move away. 88-has become the Arts and Crafts Hold. 90-. Faded into the SCA mainstream. Ravenhold-- (14)Started in 80. Based in the San Fernando Valley. 82-Sponsor Allthing. Harvest Fest. 83- Start Workshops. With membership of 14 this also was one of the largest Holds. This hold sponsored events, Allthings, and workshops that rivaled small Baronies. Due to the Ravenhold Marketplace the Hold budget was $800 a year. 86-slower year and looking into Irish Fair. 87- Irish Fair Numbering 20 members this hold was still one of the major work horses in the Alliance. Still hosting Allthings and Harvest Fest had a budget of $300 a year. 88-90 year Allthing, 90-Runestaff. 91- Faded and was a small quiet Household still keeping the Freehold ideals. Sarnwold-- Started in 81. Same name as Canton. Group of people that didn’t want to work with Ravenhold. 82- Members were fairly inactive and merged with Ravenhold. House Panthera-- Started in 81. Personal Household. Shifted and moved about. 82-Sponsoring a few small events. 83-Continues to support Ravenhold and in 86 fades into Ravenhold. Ekkem Hold (Kunna Heim)-- Started in 81. 82-Running major demos and events in area. 83-Sponsor Allthing. Membership was only 14. Sponsored Allthings, Events and workshops. Also due to the events and auctions this hold had a budget of over $450 a year. 84- End of year Gathering. 88-Becomes Kunna Heim. 90- Slowly faded into SCA mainstream. Darkwell-- Started in 82. Supports rest of Alliance. 88-Becomes Dun Caledonia. 90- Joined local Shire. House Nightshade--Started in 82. Supports rest of Alliance. 87-Becomes part of Wolfsholm. Tuatha de Argoat-- Started in 84. sponsors several workshops. 85-Takes over the production of Runestaff. 86-Workshops. Supports Alliance. 88-Fades away. Skipbruden Selvejendom-- Started 86. Runestaff. 87-joins Elvstadt. Wolfsholm-- Started in 87. 88-Many Workshops. 90-Workshops, Califia 91- Stayed active through this year, then faded into Califia. Elvestadt-- Started in 87. Runestaff, and had a Winter thing. Numbering 10 this hold started to become more active by taking over Runestaff and setting up workshops. 88-Helped with 10 year Allthing. Stayed active this year then faded into the Kingdom of the West and due to mundane problems became inactive. Ostarmark-- Started in 87.. Numbering 14 members this Was our only hold outside the State. It was very active with workshops, classes, and involvement. 88-Guest Edited Runestaff 89-Workshops, Events in Atlantia 90-Workshops -With no real Freehold leadership this hold slowly faded back into the local Barony. Freya's Hold-- Started in 90. Small hold. Tried to help other holds keep the flame of the Freehold ideals going. Because of their work at bringing the original philosophy back the Cheiftains of this unit were made the High Chieftains of the Whole Freehold by Erekose. |
Area Pheonix |
Holds Freya’s Hold |
Hold meetings and Workshops. Membership is 30. 4 are Warriors... |
Feb |
Estrella War. Freya’s Hold fielded 4 fighters who fought as a unit. |
Oct |
Barbarian-Fall-For-All. Freya’s Hold sponsored for populous. Held at Estrella. Many contests were held, with heavy fighters engaged in “boat” battles using PVC pipe boat hulls. |
Area Seatle Riverside Pheonix |
Holds Sturm’s Hold Ravenhold (House Bifrost) Freya’s Hold |
Membership is 40. 10 Warriors. Each hold runs its own workshops, and meetings. |
Feb |
Estrella War. During this year, Bragi and Dielle left Phoenix and their friends, by journeying to the West Kingdom. Guthrum, former member of Freya’s Hold moved to Seattle Washington, and was made a Chieftain for starting Sturm’s Hold. Delores the Gypsy and Lucretia, members of Freya’s Hold were made Chieftains, and placed in charge of Freya’s Hold. Later Delores moved to Boulder Colorado and began Loki’s Hold. |
Area Seatle Riverside Pheonix Flagstaff Boulder, Col Modesto |
Holds Sturm’s Hold Ravenhold (House Bifrost) Freya’s Hold Brigid’s Hold Loki’s Hold Try’s Hold |
Membership is 45. 10 Warriors. Each hold runs its own workshops, and meetings. |
Feb |
Estrella War. Aleda de Paw and Siubne O’Donnail former Freya’s Hold members made Chieftains for founding Brigid’s Hold in Flaggstaff, Arizona. |
Area Seatle Riverside Pheonix Flagstaff Boulder, Col Modesto |
Holds Sturm’s Hold Ravenhold (House Bifrost) Freya’s Hold Clan Dana Brigid’s Hold Loki’s Hold Try’s Hold |
Membership is 50. 14 Warriors. Each hold runs its own workshops, and meetings. |
Feb |
Estrella War. 35 Freeholders attended. Pledged themselves. |
Aug 14th |
Althing. Tradition of the Althing was reborn. Hosted by Tyr’s Hold-Ravenhold, Tyr’s Hold, and Brigid’s Hold was in attendance. Workshops in leatherwork, jewelry, costuming, and persona were held. Attendance was 15. Pledge was made to try and restart the Runestaff. |
Nov 11th |
Harvest Feast. Reborn. Attendance was 10. |
Area Seatle Riverside Pheonix Flagstaff Sacramento |
Holds Sturm’s Hold Ravenhold (House Bifrost) Freya’s Hold Clan Dana Brigid’s Hold Try’s Hold |
Hold Membership is 45. 10 Warriors. Each hold runs its own workshops, and meetings. |
Feb 5th |
5th Winter Allthing at Estrella with 50 in attendance. |
Aug |
Freehold WN-Thing 1. A total Freehold event with camping/workshops/Althing in the mountains near Payson. Site fee was free with 35 in attendance. Archery, rapier, heavy weapons, lantern making, cooking, and persona workshops. There was a Sword Naming ceremony for the Freehold Sword of State. Duncan the Claymore. |
Nov 12th |
12th Harvest Feast. Held at Bragi and Dielle House. Chief Timotheus, Mistress Lynnette, Chieftain Leslie Longbelt, and Bonnie Rose in attendance. Chieftain Eadward the Kraken of Ravenhold was made a Chief of the Freehold. |
Dec |
Clan Dana held a New Years Party hosted by Chieftain Dafyyed. |
Area Seatle Riverside Pheonix Flagstaff Sacramento Los Angeles Tuscon |
Holds Sturm’s Hold Ravenhold (House Bifrost) Freya’s Hold Clan Dana Brigid’s Hold Try’s Hold Kellshearth Munin Hold |
Membership is 100. 25 Warriors. Each hold runs its own workshops, and meetings. |
Feb 6th |
6th Winter Althing at Estrella 60 attended. A 20’ high Grand Entrance was erected by Clan Dana at the Central Camp. |
July |
A lot of Oldtimers in the LA area decided to reactivate their membership. Kellshearth comes into existance. |
Aug |
Freehold Won Mark 2-Clan Dana again hosts the event. Attendance was 25. |
Nov 13th |
13th Harvest feast at Tyr’s Hold. 25 attended. |
Dec |
Tyr’s Hold held a Yule Party |